meeting-business-936059_1920In every competitive marketplace there is a need to display high standards of professionalism. Speaking at formal and informal occasions can produce fear in many people. Whatever the reason for this anxiety, everyone can become more effective and confident by learning and applying certain basic rules.

Aim: The aim of this course is to give delegates a clear set of ‘rules’ to improve their capability to make business presentations.

Objectives: After the course delegates will be able to –
→ apply basic skills for effective and assertive communication
→ prepare long or short presentations effectively
→ structure and present a clear, logical case
→ demonstrate effective summarising skills
→ handle visual aids skilfully
→ promote their own ideas confidently

What people say about the course:

“I used to get nervous before even a small group but having learnt how to structure my talks and use my body language and voice to help me, I feel much more confident.”

“I found this workshop challenging at first but once I got over the initial nerves, I found the mix of exercises and theory really moved my style forward.”

There are so many uses for the techniques I learnt on this course. I can see how to apply the learning onto my chairmanship of meetings, quick stand up meetings with the team and even my speech at a colleagues leaving drinks next week.”

For more information about this course, please complete the form below or call on +61 (0) 450 950059