picjumbo.com_HNCK8984A bid document aims to demonstrate the company’s capability to meet the clients’ needs. The physical presentation of documents is important but the supporting text must be ‘readable’ and match the objectives of its target audience. Inconsistent and unclear text can weaken or change its message and may result in important contracts being lost.

Aim: The aim is to give everyone contributing to documents the knowledge and skills to write in a clear, positive and cost-effective way.

Objectives: After the workshop delegates should –
→ be clear about the needs of the audience
→ reduce the length of documents
→ spend less time writing and editing
→ express ideas accurately and concisely
→ structure and lay-out proposal and other documents effectively

What people say about the course:

“The course opened my eyes to making documents clear and compelling”

“The techniques covered in the workshop will be applicable far beyond bid writing – a really enjoyable and informative workshop!”

“The delivery style was fun and engaging, not what I was expecting from a writing course. The interactive exercises helped to reinforce the learnings at every step.. the challenge now will be to embed them within our wider team.”

For more information about this course, please complete the form below or call on +61 (0) 450 950059